October 21, 2024

There’s a saying that goes, “Our pets are just a small part of our lives, but to them, we’re their whole life.” As sad as this phrase is, it’s very accurate. The best thing we can do for our dogs is provide them with the happiest years possible.

But what must dog owners do to ensure their pets are happy? Read on to find 12 easy and actionable tips you can implement today.

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The 12 Tips for Making Your Dog Happy

1. Provide Appropriate Playtime

Physical activity in the form of exercise and play, isn’t only good for your dog’s physical health, but their mental health, too. Going for walks, hikes, swims, and playing fetch are great exercises you can do daily that’ll help your friend stay trim while also burning off excess energy.

man playing frisbee with dog at the yard
Image Credit: Gorodenkoff, Shutterstock

2. Mentally Stimulate Them

Dogs are brilliant and active animals, so they need just as many opportunities to exercise their minds as they do their bodies. Great ways to offer mental stimulation include interactive puzzle feeders, scattering treats for them to find, and rewards-based training sessions.

Additionally, as much as we wish we could be with our dogs 24/7, this just isn’t possible for most of us. In your absence, provide your pup with mentally stimulating toys and games they can use independently.

3. Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle involves more than physical and mental stimulation.

Perhaps one of the best things you can do for your dog is to feed them a highly nutritious diet. As tempting as it can be to give into the puppy dog eyes your pet gives you at the dinner table, human food isn’t always appropriate—or safe—for dogs.

Treats can be a yummy snack for dogs and a great training tool, but when fed in excess, they can be the reason your dog becomes overweight. Your pup’s treats shouldn’t account for more than 10% of their daily caloric intake.

owner giving dog on leash a treat
Image Credit: Aleksey Boyko, Shutterstock

4. Commit to Lifelong Training

Many dog owners think that once their pups understand the basic commands and know to go potty outside, they’ll be done training. This doesn’t have to—and shouldn’t be—the case.

Training is a fantastic and fun way not only to entertain and challenge your dog but also to strengthen your relationship.

5. Make Time for Quality Time

Dogs are very social animals, so they thrive on companionship. You should set aside time every day to spend quality, one-on-one time with your pet, providing them with the attention and affection they not only crave but deserve.

What kind of quality time your dog craves can vary from pup to pup. Some will prefer being outside hiking with their humans, while others will take a Netflix binge session over physical activity any day.

Cute Jack Russell Terrier dog outdoors playing
Image Credit: annokhotska, Shutterstock

6. Take Your Time

One of the simplest ways to boost your pup’s happiness quotient is to take your time on your walks. We’ve all done it—pulled on our dog’s leash when they stopped to sniff something on the sidewalk. It’s important to remember that walks aren’t just about getting physical activity, but it’s the one time of the day your pup gets to go outside and explore their neighborhood. Let your pooch sniff around and give them the opportunity to explore the world around them.

7. Provide Socialization

Keeping your puppy isolated can not only be detrimental to their emotional health, but it can also create fear when introduced to other people or pets.

Socialization is essential as it ensures your pup grows into a confident and well-adjusted dog. It also teaches your pup how to interact with other animals and humans in a positive and fun way.

Socialization is best started during the first few months of your puppy’s life, but if you’re a bit late to the party, that doesn’t mean you should skip out on it altogether. It is never too late to socialize your dog; it may just take a bit longer and require more patience and consistency if your pet is older.

Two dogs meet in the street
Image Credit: anyloyo, Shutterstock

8. Let Them Make Choices

While dogs generally thrive on routine and enjoy knowing when their next meal, nap, and potty break will be, sometimes it’s nice for them to break up the monotony. Giving your pup a bit of say in their daily tasks is a great way to bring them joy. Look for ways to allow them to make small and safe decisions, such as what street you’ll turn down on your next walk or which toy to take from the basket.

9. Be Generous With the Praise

Dogs are highly motivated by praise and generally find this kind of reinforcement equally or even more rewarding than food. Praise can even help your pup develop a trusting bond with you. So, don’t be afraid to give them an enthusiastic “Good job!” when they’ve accomplished a task worth praising.

dog owner couch
Image Credit: Maria Galutva, Shutterstock

10. Put Their Toys on Rotation

One can only imagine how boring it would be to read the same few books over and over. The same applies to your pup, so try putting their toys on a rotating schedule to keep things interesting for them. Leave a handful of toys in their basket and put the others in a closed box somewhere they cannot access. Every week or two, swap them out and see your pup’s eyes light up at the prospect of having been spoiled with “new” toys.

11. Give Them a Job to Do

Many dog breeds were bred to work alongside other pups or humans to perform specific tasks. When these instincts aren’t utilized, some dogs may become bored or destructive. If your pup is exceptionally high energy and isn’t happy with just going for walks or playing with you, you might consider giving them a “job” to do around the house.

Providing them with a job can add structure to your pup’s day and offer an opportunity to teach your pet something new while spending quality time with them.

Research your dog’s breed to learn more about what they were initially developed for to get an idea of what type of work they’d thrive doing. For example, scent hounds like Beagles or Bloodhounds might love putting their nose to work by finding misplaced items and alerting you to their location.

Image Credit: Glikiri, Shutterstock

12. Give Massages

Just like us, dogs can experience aches and stiffness, so giving them regular massages can help keep them feeling their best. It’s also a wonderful way for you to bond and spend quality one-on-one time with your pup.

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How Can I Know if My Dog Is Sad?

Dogs can develop depression, just like people do. In fact, some research suggests that nearly ¾ of all dogs show signs of poor mental health. While there isn’t a lot of research in the area of canine depression, there are some telltale signs owners should be on the lookout for, many of which mirror the signs of this condition in humans.

Signs of dog depression can include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lack of interest in their favorite activities
  • Destructive behaviors (e.g., chewing or barking)
  • Clinginess
  • Withdrawal
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Changes in vocalizations (e.g., howling more than usual)
  • Inappropriate elimination
Sad Dog Poodle Lying on the Floor
Image Credit: Mariana Serdynska, Shutterstock

How Can I Know if My Dog Is Happy?

Our dogs cannot use words to tell us when they’re happy, but they can show us their contentment through their body language and behaviors. Here are some of the most common signs of a happy and relaxed pup:

  • Floppy ears
  • Soft gaze
  • Relaxed body and tail
  • Happy facial expression
  • Dancing
  • Friendliness
  • Well-behaved
  • Zoomies
  • Enjoys pets and cuddles
  • Good appetite
  • Sleeps well
Happy Dog Owner
Image Credit: Prostock-studio, Shutterstock

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Final Thoughts

The more you know how to achieve true canine happiness, the better your pup’s life will be. After all, our dogs rely on us to provide them with everything they need to live a long and happy life.

Now that you know what you can do to make your pup happy, don’t stop there. Take the time to get to know your dog on a deeper and more personal level, and you’ll know exactly what they need if they ever seem down or unhappy.

Featured Image Credit: Neelsky, Shutterstock

The post How to Make Your Dog Happy: 12 Effective Vet-Approved Tips appeared first on PangoVet.

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